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6 Best Practices to Increase Usability of Websites

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A good and effective website is very necessary for expanding your online business. As it’s an era of technology so the online presence or online availability is very necessary for a successful business. There are a lot of elements that combined together to make a perfect website. These are:
  • Effective and responsive design
  • Useful content
  • Useful content
  • Perfect navigation
  • Best functionality
1- User Friendly Website
One of very important factor that makes a website more effective is that it should be user friendly. A site should not be intricate and must be appealing to increase the usability. A user-friendly site induces more projection, boost the business and increases productivity and outcomes.
Maximum customer involvement is very important in the online world, and an essential step in developing a user-friendly website.
2- Elements that Increase Usability
A website is actually your online and digital presence and establishment that connects you to the customer and clients. Don’t leave your customer frustrated by giving them more complex design and navigation. Give them more enjoyable and productive experience by more usability.
Here are some very important factors that make your website user friendly:
3- Proper and Brief Content
Brief, easy to read and interesting content is very important factor that makes user to stick around your website. The content should always be fresh and easy to understand. In terms of content always keep in mind following elements:
• Most of the users go through the content instead of properly read it so always make small paragraphs, bullet points to make text easier and easy to understand for user.
• Always use correct size of font that is easy to read for the users.
• Always use proper contrast that increases readability. If user finds it difficult to read he or she will ultimately leave the page.
• White space is useful for making different elements prominent and gives a space to the eye of user. White space also gives a broad look instead of overcrowded impressions of content and different images as well as the whole site.
4- Simple and Effective Navigation
There should be simple and effective navigation tools for users for their compatibility. Make sure that navigation is simple and clear in order to increase the usability. You can highlight your main pages for convenience like: About us, Home, Contact us etc. Try to minimize the elements in menu and also try to organize properly. Organizing navigation on each page can effectively help users for easily browsing the site.
5- Boost the Speed
Speed is very important to make your website user friendly. Boost the speed to its maximum in order to increase the usability. If the website will take time to load then obviously the user will leave the page and switch to other site so keep in mind that important factor. Avoid large size videos, images and files.
6- Mobile Compatibility
It’s an era of technology and everyone has smart phones to use internet so a user friendly site should be mobile friendly. There should be a mobile compatibility and the site should appear on mobiles as well.
These factors helps to produce great results to make a user friendly highly effective site and ultimately these factors maximize your online success.

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